Google Analytics Desktop Only Segment

Boy was that a fun distraction. My last post got posted on Hack A Day. Thank you so much, Hack A Day. But, today I wanted to bring the focus back to analytics and not security.

Recently, I needed to compare mobile traffic data vs. desktop traffic in Google. Google makes it really easy to segment out mobile traffic in Google Analytics, but they decided not to put in a segment for desktop only for easy comparison. When I went to figure out what to do to set it up, I was a little confused as it is hard to figure out by default what the settings for the mobile dimension are.

So if you want to compare desktop versus mobile traffic in Google Analytics, below is a screen cap of how to set it up.

Google Analytics Desktop Only SegmentStep by step below:

  1. Select the mobile dimension
  2. Set to exactly matching
  3. For the value type No
The last part like I mentioned above is the confusing part as it is hard to know what you can set mobile to in that field, but there are only two values.

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