About Tim Flint

Tim Flint is the Principal and Strategist at Flint Analytics. Having founded Flint Analytics, Tim strives to use data driven marketing to grow multi-location businesses.

Entries by Tim Flint

Don’t Let Your Website Be A Firework

Being that this week was Independence day, I thought about fireworks. Fireworks are a lot of fun and even beautiful, but by their very nature they don’t last long. This was evidenced this past week by the San Diego fireworks show, when a 17 minute fireworks show went off in about 15 seconds. Websites can […]

Should You Advertise Higher Priced Goods To Mac Users?

The WSJ recently had an article in which it identified that Orbitiz was showing higher priced hotels to Mac users, because Orbitz discovered that Mac users were spending up to “$20 to $30 more a night on hotels than their PC counterparts”. What in essense is going on is a type of price segmentation that […]

How Newfangled NBA Analysis Is Like Web Analytics

Everybody is looking for an edge by using analytics these days. You hear new “Moneyball” type stories every week it seems, and frankly I love them. So, I will try and highlight them for you when I come across good articles showing ways people are using analytics to gain an advantage in their business. This […]

Website Credibility And An Apartment Search

My wife and I have spent all day yesterday looking for a new place to live because we will soon be moving our business to Indianapolis. This has been an all-day marathon event and while it seems like every place is the same after a while, you still come away feeling one or two places […]

Selling Marketing Strategies as an Asset and Not Just an Expense

Dealing in web analytics you are often asked about how to convince a client of the particular value of some web strategy or tactic. The strategy and tactics that people want valued are things such as a new website redesign, content marketing, social media marketing, SEO, etc. Trying to convince a financially minded client of […]

Fetching Google Analytics Data In Google Spreadsheets

Building dashboards in Google Analytics to get the right information for your client at the right time can be a real pain. Don’t get me wrong, Google has really improved the dashboards, but there is still a lot left to be desired. The thing is every client is different and teasing out those relevant metrics […]

Calling For Graphs In Real Life

Making data more personal to people is a core part of my business, and I often wonder the best way to go about this.  When you personalize data through a story or through some other means it will stick with people more and they will comprehend it better. I have been exploring ways to accomplish […]

5 Analyses That Will Excite Your Client About Your Year End Analytics Reports

Recently I talked about year end reporting for ad agencies and why you should do year end web analytics reporting and analysis for your clients. Today I  want to talk about five analyses that you should be covering in year end report. These are items that will help you identify potential opportunities, problems, and help you […]