Escape Campervans Increased Booking Revenue By 40% With Targeted PPC Campaigns

Smart Paid Search Solutions

Flint’s PPC Audit Led To A Change Of Direction

When looking at Escape’s PPC campaigns, we noticed they blanketed the entire U.S., mimicking other travel companies. However, the numbers told us that most of their customers were looking for campervan rentals in specific cities. We proposed rebuilding the PPC campaigns to make them more location-specific, starting in places with Escape depots. We also allocated PPC spend in areas with higher campervan demand, like Big Sur and Yellowstone. Then, we improved tracking so we could accurately test other growth initiatives.

Immediate PPC Success Led To Incredible Growth

Right out of the gate, Escape greatly increased its Return On Ad Spend (ROAS). Most of their online sales growth in 2018 was due to how we revamped their PPC campaigns. The success bred confidence, and within 9 months of the program, Escape ramped up their spend 600% due to the strong return. They also learned how customers responded to campaigns and new products on a small scale and used that information before committing to more significant investments.

In 18 Months, Escape Campervans Saw:

year-over-year bookings
Return on ad spend
Overall revenue

The majority of Escape Campervan’s web sales growth in our first year of working with Flint can be attributed to our PPC campaigns.

Matt Eggleston

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