Shouldn’t All Your Local Stores Benefit From A Unified Multi-Location SEO Strategy?

We can help you leverage the greatest asset multi-location businesses and franchises have in the SEO space: their local stores.

People Search For Local Over Corporate. Your SEO should reflect that.

Local businesses beat national brands every day in organic search results. Do a search for “lawn care in (your area)” right now. You’ll quickly notice local stores are higher on the page than national brands. In other words, you're losing customers if your multi-location SEO strategy doesn’t lean on your local stores.

46% Of All Searches Have Local Intent
Multi-Location SEO

Flint Analytics & Marketing Puts A Local Focus On Your Multi-Location SEO

Multi-Location SEO Audits

Multi-Location SEO Audits

We can examine your site to find the elements that work and those that don’t in attracting and converting customers. We can also see how your brand is doing on a national level.

Multi-Location SEO Strategy

Multi-Location SEO Strategy

You can set up your multi-location site in many ways. From hub-and-spoke systems to having every store use its own domain, we can find the right strategy. Then, we’ll put together a plan that keeps all your locations ranking high where it matters most.

Multi-location Content Management

Multi-Location Content Management

The Flint process makes multi-location content management effortless. Our creators craft well-optimized content that is transformed into an infinite number of unique, stylized versions that rank locally. Then, we distribute pages to your sites through a central hub.

Multi-location Website Management

We’ll create a suite of local, customizable websites that can be managed from one interface. These websites can be updated with fresh, unique content simultaneously, saving you time and resources.

Ongoing SEO Optimization:

Ongoing SEO Optimization

Search algorithms seem to change daily. We’ll constantly monitor your local sites to ensure they rank high and produce quality leads.

Flint’s Unique Approach To Multi-Location SEO Can Yield Big Results

Every location needs localized SEO. We can create a program that treats each store as its own entity while giving you content and SEO en masse. Need to add a location? No problem. Your new location will launch with content generated from your established sites but optimized for its local area.

You Have A Strong National Presence, But Local Stores Aren’t Converting. What’s Going Wrong?

Flint’s unique, local approach to multi-location SEO can ensure your business reaches customers where they live. See how we can help.

Increased leads over 12 months

Launching our new line of barn doors across the satellite websites was easy. It was published to all the stores’ websites within moments. We’re managing dozens of websites as if they were one.

John Barnes
VP of Marketing, Sunburst Shutters

With the dashboards we can see how each property is performing season to season and know which ones need extra help. And we save time compiling reports.

Mark Juleen
VP of Marketing, JC Hart

Any time I'm working with a client struggling to optimize their ad spend across multiple locations or multiple events, I call Flint Analytics. Their success rate is jaw-dropping.

Thaddeus Rex

They actually help you analyze data to know where you need to advertise online. Impressed by the knowledge!

Katie Smith

I couldn’t have found a more helpful, kind, and trustworthy company.

Scott Roach
MSP Containers

So Impressed by the data-centric process. I introduced Flint to a client last year - who was practically in tears after spending an extra $70K on their marketing that month, to build some new traction, but their agency of record failed to capture the analytics data, so they were unable to leverage the traffic boost for any retargeting. It was a more complicated setup than normal, but Flint's team was able to get all the data collection linkages set up in just a couple weeks. Now the data's clear and ROAS is rising rapidly.

Thaddeus Rex

Flint Analytics has been great to work with! Their response time is amazing!

Everything Home Designs

The majority of Escape Campervan’s web sales growth in our first year of working with Flint can be attributed to our PPC campaigns.

Matt Eggleston
Digital Lead, E&A Companies

Launching our new line of barn doors across the satellite websites was easy. It was published to all the stores’ websites within moments. We’re managing dozens of websites as if they were one.

John Barnes
VP of Marketing, Sunburst Shutters

Ticket Galaxy was looking to strategically expand our digital presence for our retail website in several geographic markets. We engaged with Flint Analytics to better define our strategy, identify key target audiences and find new ways to increase conversion by obtaining qualified referrals and retargeting visitors through online paid search, video and social media platforms. Flint Analytics exceeded our expectations and more.

Kyle Osolin
Ticket Galaxy

Tim was brought in by my marketing agency. At the time, I had a horrible experience with PPC and could never find a way to make it work for us and work profitably. I ONLY started working with Flint because my agency was adamant I needed a strong/optimized PPC and SEO presence to complement the other initiatives we were working on. I begrudgingly engaged Flint at the time. Roll the clock forward close to 2.5 years to today, and if you asked me to choose between my agency and Flint, I’d dump my agency 5 times over before I cut Flint loose, and my agency is owned by my brother. I have referred Flint to several colleagues and have no hesitation in referring him to someone else.

David Evans
President, EasySeat Tickets

Contact Flint Today

Our Team Is Eager To Talk About Your Marketing Needs

Connect with our team and find out how Flint Analytics & Marketing can energize your digital efforts.  Just call us today at (317) 993-3411 or send in the form below. We look forward to hearing from you.

Contact Flint Today

Let Us Optimize Your Multi-Location SEO Strategy

Flint Analytics offers franchise and multi-location SEO services to increase your local search visibility and traffic so you can convert more local customers. Contact us today to schedule an SEO audit or strategy session, and let us help your company rank in all the markets you serve.