Shouldn’t All Your Local Stores Benefit From A Unified Multi-Location SEO Strategy?
We can help you leverage the greatest asset multi-location businesses and franchises have in the SEO space: their local stores.
People Search For Local Over Corporate. Your SEO should reflect that.
Local businesses beat national brands every day in organic search results. Do a search for “lawn care in (your area)” right now. You’ll quickly notice local stores are higher on the page than national brands. In other words, you're losing customers if your multi-location SEO strategy doesn’t lean on your local stores.
Flint’s Unique Approach To Multi-Location SEO Can Yield Big Results
Every location needs localized SEO. We can create a program that treats each store as its own entity while giving you content and SEO en masse. Need to add a location? No problem. Your new location will launch with content generated from your established sites but optimized for its local area.
You Have A Strong National Presence, But Local Stores Aren’t Converting. What’s Going Wrong?
Flint’s unique, local approach to multi-location SEO can ensure your business reaches customers where they live. See how we can help.