National Shutters Brand Improved Online Leads 166% In 12 Months With A Local Focus

Multi-Location Website Solution

Local Websites With Corporate Control Solved A Common Multi-Location Problem

Flint Analytics & Marketing proposed building a suite of customized local websites managed at the corporate level. Each site would share a similar design reflecting the national brand but use technology that localized content to attract local customers in a search-friendly way. The individual sites would have local domains and could send in their own pictures, events, and stories. Control, however, would remain in corporate hands. When new products were rolled out or the company had a promotion, the changes would be made from one interface and updated across all sites.

Flint’s Localized Websites Delivered Amazing Results

Within five months, Sunburst doubled its form leads. After 12 months, the program dramatically increased web and phone leads while decreasing PPC cost per lead. Any worry that a multi-site solution would dilute corporate SEO efforts evaporated. The corporate site thrived by building an even stronger brand, and local stores found more customers without worrying about managing a website. The stores appreciated the chance to display their work to local customers -- an essential element of the home design space. When Sunburst added new stores, they already had a fully localized website at their fingertips.

Flint Marketing & Analytics Gave Sunburst Shutters:

Increase In Web Form Leads
Increase in phone conversion leads
Drop in cost per lead

Launching our new line of barn doors across the satellite websites was easy. It was published to all the stores’ websites within moments. We’re managing dozens of websites as if they were one.

John Barnes

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