Tell Stories With Your Data

Every great analysis starts with a great story, and every great story has a great plot. When your data tells a great story you get buy-in. Once you get buy-in the profits start rolling in.

Data is useless without the proper analysis. Throughout history one of the best means of analysis and understanding has been story telling. Stories teach and provide insight at a level that other means of communication cannot compete with. The hard part of looking at your web analytics data and using it to drive action is understanding what the data is trying to tell you. That is where story telling comes in.

Every great story has four things: a character, action, conflict, and transformation or insight. Your websites data has all of these things as well. Let’s take a look at how this works. Say you are a B2B business that sells multiple manufacturing products to companies across the globe and the purpose of your site is to generate leads online.

Your website has characters: Melody the experienced buyer for ABC Manufacturing and Josh the owner of Acme Corporation.









Your characters are involved in action: In Melody’s case she is trying to find a supplier for a key ingredient of their top products. In Josh’s case he is looking for a supplier that is willing to partner with him as he gets his business off the ground.

There is also conflict in this story: Melody could be struggling to figure out the best way to reach you and Josh might be so frustrated trying to determine if you are capable of offering what he needs (because you website isn’t showing it to him) that he might not reach out to you.

Finally, this story has a revelation: In the Melody’s case it was a positive revelation as she figured out what to do and called your company to complete a sale, but unfortunately in Josh’s case it was a negative revelation as he left never to return.

This story has a mixed ending, but it doesn’t have to. You can change Josh’s ending and the ending for all future customers who visit your site. With our help all of this can be measured through both quantitative and qualitative means to better understand what your customers are looking for. And from the data we capture, Flint Analytics will help you to better understand the story your site is trying to tell by using data, visualization, and qualitative research to improve your marketing efforts online and convince your organization of the actions they need to take to get the results you are after.

This is a process that is constantly changing as the customer changes, and we are here to help you through continuing analysis and optimization of your story. Call us at 317.658.031 or email us to gain the insights you need.