Email Programs That Simplify Marketing & Engagement Across Multiple Apartment Properties

When you’re in the business of apartment home rentals, the sales funnel is everything. Moving people from leads to renters is a complex, multi-touch process, and keeping those people engaged is incredibly important. One of the best tools to keeping in touch with those leads and increasing their chances of renting with you is a dedicated apartment email program.

Most apartment management companies fall under one of two categories:

  • They don’t run a dedicated email program because it’s too time-consuming or difficult.
  • They do run an email program – but it’s generic, boring, and unengaging to your prospective customers.

With Flint Analytics, you can get a responsive, effective, and completely unique email program up and running, individualized down to the exact apartment complex.

Email Marketing Fosters Relationships That Turn Leads Into Renters

With so much noise out there promoting apartment rentals, it’s easy for your message to get lost among all your competitors and ILS’s. With advanced email campaigns, you can stay in front of potential clients.
Here’s how it can work for you:

  • Your company captures a potential renter’s email address when they reach out to you on your apartment website by scheduling a tour, filling out a contact form
  • That lead’s information is used to categorize them in your automated list management tool.
  • Using that information (such as when they scheduled their tour, what type of apartment they’re interested in, etc.), automated reminders, follow-ups and other correspondences can be sent out without any work on your part.
  • That potential renter is guided through your sales funnel, increasing the likelihood of signing a lease with you.

We can even integrate your new email program with any existing scheduling software or CRM you already have in place. We’ve already built out integrated solutions with some common tools like ResMan and LeaseHawk, and we can help build one for whatever property management software you currently use.

And the value of your email program doesn’t end when a renter signs their name on the dotted line!

Email Program Automation for Current Apartment Residents

An automated email program is invaluable for communicating with your current residents, as well. With the email tools we can provide, you’ll be able to make your resident customer service even better by streamlining communication. The possibilities are nearly endless:

  • Follow up with residents after they’ve requested maintenance service to make sure they’re satisfied.
  • Engage your residents with specialized messages on their birthday, move-in anniversary or other special occasions.
  • Send out automated rent payment reminders, lease renewal offers, referral requests, and more.
  • And that’s just the beginning. One of the most valued aspects of an apartment management company is open communication. With an effective email solution, you can start communicating with your residents in a way that’ll keep them renewing their leases.

Let’s talk about the missing pieces in your strategy, and how a great email program can fill those holes.